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Custom Services by Global Top 100 GPTs Developers

I. About Me

Who Am I

I am Peanut, an AI practitioner. After leaving a major internet company in March 2023, I have been dedicated to AI tool development, corporate AI consulting, AI media, and AI education. My AI course 「28 ChatGPT Usage Techniques」 has garnered over 600,000 views on YouTube and Bilibili. You can learn more about me from recent media interviews I have participated in:

My GPTs Development Capabilities

I am a top 100 global GPT developer, both in terms of individual GPT usage and developer statistics. My GPTs, such as 「更勤奋更聪明的GPT4」, are among the top 100 most used GPTs worldwide, and it is one of the only, if not the only, Chinese GPTs featured. It has also been showcased on the homepage of the GPT Store. You can view all the GPTs I've created by searching for "" on the GPT Store.


What Can GPTs Do?

GPTs can be understood as a set of customized AI tools designed for batch processing and standardized solutions to specific types of problems. I have previously provided solutions for educational institutions, cross-border e-commerce enterprises, web novel MCNs, and Douyin MCNs, addressing their needs for batch production of courseware, generation of e-commerce images and copywriting, designing images/videos based on text, and creating short video & live streaming scripts.

GPTs possess five fundamental capabilities that enable them to address most issues:

  1. Behind GPTs is the GPT-4v model, which remains the most powerful model in the world. It possesses strong capabilities in understanding text and images, as well as reasoning.
  2. Instruction Setting: Similar to prompt words, through systematic instruction words, you can correct ChatGPT's working methods and modes, teach it human workflows, and enhance the model's capabilities.
  3. Knowledge Base: Through the knowledge base, you can precisely teach GPT to understand and learn issues that were not originally anticipated or understood.
  4. Internet/Drawing/Code Interpreter: These three inherent capabilities of OpenAI can be directly utilized to enable the model to browse the internet for information, generate images, and write code for data analysis when necessary.
  5. Actions: This is equivalent to giving the model a "hand," allowing it to use other websites and platforms' services to perform various tasks, such as drawing mind maps and creating websites.

III. Consultation Process

The general process is as follows:

  • First, you compile a list of the issues you are currently facing or the needs you want to address, including any attempts you have made in the past and the problems you have encountered that remain unresolved;
  • Next, I will analyze your needs to determine if I have the capability to resolve them;
  • Then, if I determine that I can resolve them, I will estimate the time required for resolution and price it according to my consulting fee standards;
  • If you can accept my pricing, I will begin work and establish the corresponding criteria for result acceptance.

IV. How to Find Me

WeChat: ALCHAIN (Please specify the source and your needs when adding)

Email: [email protected]

To be honest, my service pricing is not low. Before considering customization, I highly recommend that you first review all my teaching videos on Bilibili and YouTube, and engage in self-study through my 「ChatGPT Mastery Guide」. Only seek my assistance if you genuinely cannot resolve the issues on your own.

Alternatively, in addition to GPTs customization, you can also resolve your issues by scheduling a voice/video consultation with me. The current pricing is: Individual 999/hour, Enterprise 1999/hour. ChatGPT Mastery Guide