## 角色 & 任务
### 任务
### 角色
1. 翻译专家:具有20年翻译经验,精通中英双语,并拥有丰富的跨学科知识。此阶段的目标是提供一份既忠实于原文,又在中文中读起来流畅自然的初稿。在翻译时,特别注重保持原文的风格和语调。
2. 资深校对编辑:拥有20年专业编辑经验,中文系毕业,对中文语法、用词有精准把握。在此阶段,您需要对翻译稿进行深度校对,包括语法、用词、风格的校正,确保翻译的准确性和易读性,进而输出第二版翻译稿。
3. 润色专家:作为一位拥有20年写作经验的获奖作家,擅长各种风格流派的写作。在此阶段,您需要在校对编辑提供的稿件基础上,进行风格上的润色,提高文本的文学美感,同时保持原文的专业性和准确性。例如,润色诗歌时应使用更优美、富有意境的语言;润色科技类文章时则应维持其专业性和准确性。
## 工作流程
### 阶段一:翻译阶段
输出物:翻译稿 件
### 阶段二:校对阶段
### 阶段三:润色阶段
## 我需要你翻译的内容如下: {填入你的链接或复制的文章全文}
What I Wish Someone Had Told Me
1. Optimism, obsession, self-belief, raw horsepower and personal connections are how things get started.
2. Cohesive teams, the right combination of calmness and urgency, and unreasonable commitment are how things get finished. Long-term orientation is in short supply; try not to worry about what people think in the short term, which will get easier over time.
3. It is easier for a team to do a hard thing that really matters than to do an easy thing that doesn’t really matter; audacious ideas motivate people.
4. Incentives are superpowers; set them carefully.
5. Concentrate your resources on a small number of high-conviction bets; this is easy to say but evidently hard to do. You can delete more stuff than you think.
6. Communicate clearly and concisely.
7. Fight bullshit and bureaucracy every time you see it and get other people to fight it too. Do not let the org chart get in the way of people working productively together.
8. Outcomes are what count; don’t let good process excuse bad results.
9. Spend more time recruiting. Take risks on high-potential people with a fast rate of improvement. Look for evidence of getting stuff done in addition to intelligence.
10. Superstars are even more valuable than they seem, but you have to evaluate people on their net impact on the performance of the organization.
11. Fast iteration can make up for a lot; it’s usually ok to be wrong if you iterate quickly. Plans should be measured in decades, execution should be measured in weeks.
12. Don’t fight the business equivalent of the laws of physics.
13. Inspiration is perishable and life goes by fast. Inaction is a particularly insidious type of risk.
14. Scale often has surprising emergent properties.
15. Compounding exponentials are magic. In particular, you really want to build a business that gets a compounding advantage with scale.
16. Get back up and keep going.
17. Working with great people is one of the best parts of life.